URL:http://www.offgridworld.com/wp-content/ uploads/2013/12/Proenneke-s-Cabin-Lake-Clark-National -Park-Preserve-U.S.-National-Park-Service-.png |
Aldo Leopold’s “The Land Ethic” begins with discussing the
term “ethic.” Here Leopold describes it in two ways, ecologically and
philosophically. Ecologically an ethic is described as a “limitation on freedom
of action in the struggle for existence”(Leopold 58). Philosophically an ethic
is a “differentiation of social from antisocial” (Leopold 58). These are two
different definitions for the exact same word, which Leopold brings about the
idea of co-operation, or symbioses. It is mentioned that when talking about
ethics it usually relates to the relationship between individuals and society,
but there really is not a relation between an individual and the land along
with the plants and animals that live there. Leopold’s reasoning for this is
that the land relation entails privileges, but not obligations. I agree with
Leopold in the fact that people take the world around them for granted. Since
the beginning of the human race people have just seized whatever land they
fancy and do with it what they will with no regard for what was there before. I
do believe that an ethic must be put forth to better take care of the world we
live in, one that will make people realize what they are doing to the world
around them. “A land ethic changes the role of Homo sapiens from conqueror of the land-community to plain member
and citizen of it” (Leopold 60).
URL:http://i.unu.edu/media/ourworld.unu.edu-en /article/2123/Building-peace-through-environmental-conservation.jpg |
“An ethical obligation on the part of the private owner is
the only visible remedy for these situations” (Leopold 68). This is arguing
that the government cannot control things that are too complex or too widely
dispersed and it is then up to the private owner. I agree with this to an
extent, but I believe the government has much more control over things than we
think it does. If the government gets more actively involved in conservation
more people are going to become educated on the topic, more
people are going to
become passionate about it, and more people will change their ways to better
conserve the land. When conservation becomes more of a prominent feature in our
society, people will be less resistant to jump in and make a difference.
“Obligations have no meaning without conscience, and the
problem we face is the extension of the social conscience from people to land”
(Leopold 64). I understand what Leopold is saying here, but shouldn’t the
social conscience include both people and the land? The idea of being social is
interaction, something shared. People interacting and being social is something
that can really help
URL: https://www.conservationafrica.net /images/block-images/4/f/f/7/4ff7f291a8f9e.jpg |
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